Ncyperaceae family characteristics pdf

Abstract taxonomic investigation of the family solanaceae growing through out the rajshahi university campus was carried out. Graminoids families poaceae, juncaceae and cyperaceae. It includes many wellknown herbs mint, sage, thyme, basil, ornamental plants coleus, leonotis and weeds henbit, ground ivy, selfheal. In grasses, the individual flower is referred to as a floret. About the classification report about the classification download. Toward a classification scheme of sedge cyperaceae phytoliths. Ppt plant families acanthaceae to araceae powerpoint. Flower pentamerous, sepals 45, valvate, petals small sometimes absent, stamens 10 in two series. Taxonomic studies on the family solanaceae in the rajshahi. The cyperaceae are grasslike herbaceous plants found especially in wet regions throughout the world. The fabaceae or leguminosae, commonly known as the legume, pea, or bean family, are a. Rely on wind for both pollination and seed dispersal.

The big, showy flowers of some dogwoods are illusionary. Family rutaceae australian national botanic gardens. I also pointed out the difficulty that occurs in species identification, and due to. In the sedge family, each flower is subtended by a scalelike bract. Poaceae, which shares some characteristics of cyperaceae, such as wind pollination and reduced floral structure, has often been placed near to cyperaceae but is now shown to be more distantly related h. Families characterized by heavy accumulation of silicon in reproductive. However, the term cactus refers to a particular family of plants defined by a distinctive flower pattern. A list of all accepted names in cyperaceae is available in csv format. The cyperaceae, among the 10 largest families of flowering plants, contain about 5,000 species and, depending on the classification used, between 70 and 115 genera. Indies now common in hawaii, especially along the coasts. Moraceae mulberry family trees, shrubs, rarely herbs leaves alternate, simple, often lobed, 2 stipules flowers unisexual in a variety of inflorescences, including catkins windpollinated with the exception of ficus fruit a multiple composed of many small drupes seed without endosperm. Theyll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that todays audiences expect. Gynoecium uniloculate compound pistil of 23 fused carpels. In common english, they are sometimes called euphorbias, which is also the name of a genus in the family.

The moraceae often called the mulberry family or fig family are a family of flowering plants comprising about 38 genera and over 1100 species. Cupressaceae, the cypress family order pinales, 30 genera with 3 species of evergreen ornamental and timber shrubs and trees, distributed throughout the world. Cupressaceae cypress family cupressaceae belong to the gymnosperm group along with the pinaceae pine family, taxaceae yew family, and taxodiaceae redwood family all needleleaved, conebearing trees. The fabaceae, also called leguminosae or bean and pea family, is the third largest family of angiosperms after orchidaceae orchids and asteraceae daisies, sunflowers, and second only to poaceae grasses in terms of agricultural and economic importance. Plants of the dogwood family the dogwoods are trees, shrubs or woody plants with usually opposite or apparently whorled leaves. This is a large plant family of mostly shrubs and herbs, distributed all over the world. Anogeissus latifolia a big tree having a cluster of winged fruits. This is a family of around 3000 apecies in 100 genera, found all over the world except australia.

Cactaceae cactus family arizonasonora desert museum. To be a cactus, the plant must produce flowers with the following characteristics. Legumes includes a large number of domesticated species harvested as crops for human and animal consumption as well as for. The leaves are alternate or rarely opposite or whorled, stipules are adnate to petiole or absent. Glume the lowest two sometimes one empty scales subtending the usually fertile scales in grass spikelets. Most are widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, less so in temperate climates. The members tend to be aquatic but some are epiphytic. The plants cultivated for vegetables are colocasia esculenta arvi, kachalu or colocasia. The following pages provide basic familiy characteristics for most of the families covered in the lab. Quisqualis indica rangooncreeper the flowers appearing first at night are white but turning pink at day break. Almost half of them are in the genus rhododendron, coming mainly from china, and there are around 500 species of erica, most of them from southern africa. Almost everyone recognizes the maple leaf from the canadian flag, if not from trees themselves. Palmae is a monocotyledonous plant family containing species of tropical climbers, shrubs and trees commonly known as palm trees or simply palms figs.

The seeds of these tress are usually exposed, and not enclosed by a fruit structure like a flowering plant, hence the name gymnosperm. The cyperaceae, among the 10 largest families of flowering plants, contain about 5,000 species and, cyperaceae, sedge family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, a division of the order poales. Superior ovary that forms a capsule or a plump berry. Field characteristics of common plant families in new mexico. Poaceaegrass family named for genus poa crops called cereal crops greek god of agriculture was ceres monocots old family name. The leaves of these plants are opposite or whorled and usually paired or in threes. Seed size, lifespan and germination date as coadapted features of plant life history. Floret a single small flower, usually a member of a cluster, such as a spikelet or a head. Flowers imperfect onegendered in catkins fruit is a small single seeded nutlet natural history. Classification for kingdom plantae down to family aceraceae. Sedge flowers are structurally different from grasses and arranged spirally on the stem. The plant list includes 1,071 scientific plant names of species rank for the family theaceae. Both sedges family cyperaceae, approximately 4000 species and rushes family juncaceae, approximately 400 species have linear leaves with parallel veins with inconspicuous flowers. About 25 genera and over 140 species have been reported from india.

Graminae grains of the total food produced by the worlds top 30 crops based on dry matter, about 23. Asian rice oryza sativa extensively cultivated throughout the philippines but not a native of the archipelago, although of prehistoric introduction. Cornaceae is a cosmopolitan family of flowering plants in the order cornales. Six plant families of economic importance david bogler. Field identification of the 50 most common plant families. Species of cyperaceae contained within the plant list belong to 1 plant genera. The plant list includes a further 211 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the family theaceae. The bisexual, or less commonly unisexual flowers are minute, lack perianth and.

The plant list includes 18,977 scientific plant names of species rank for the family cyperaceae. The opposite, usually palmate leaves are a good pattern for recognizing maples. The fabaceae or leguminosae, commonly known as the legume, pea, or bean family, are a large and economically important family of flowering plants. The petals are usually fused at the base to form a tube. Aceraceae plants of the maple familynow included within the soapberry family, sapindaceae.

Field identification of the 50 most common plant families in temperate regions pdf sci. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine. Field identification of the 50 most common plant families in temperate regions pdf cyperaceae. Many legumes have characteristic flowers and fruits. Tiny flowers in a broad, flat cluster arising from a common point at the end of stems an umbel. Phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants. It contains approximately 85 species in two genera, alangium and cornus. Only the box elder acer negundo has a different type of leaf. The rice plant is enormously variable and probably several hundred distinct cultural forms occur in.

The ericaceae family consists of more than 70 genera and over 1,900 species. Many species have short stems and most leaves are basal, sometimes forming dense tussocks. Biol 474 plant family descriptions alaska geobotany center. Although many members of this family have distinctive vegetative and floral features, providing a useful key to identify the many genera in. It includes trees, shrubs, and perennial or annual herbaceous plants, which are easily recognized by their fruit and their compound, stipulate leaves. Plants usually herbs with 3 angled stem, solid culm.

Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Vegetation reconstruction during the last millennium. It is commonly called arum family, contain 115 genera and 2000 species. Smoothfruited sedge carex laeviconica cyperaceaesedge family. Characteristics of sedge cone phytoliths among selected species.

The showy, whitish petals are really bracts, while the true flowers are much smaller and clustered together in the center. Pdf this paper is the second in a series of papers on the nomenclature of the. The piperaceae are fleshy herbs, soft shrubs, and infrequently small trees comprising 10 genera and 1,400 to 2,000 species. Since the scalelike petals and sepals of the rush family are very similar in appearance, they are referred to as tepals. Classification for kingdom plantae down to family rutaceae. Terminalia catappa, tropical almond, false kamani, kamanihaole. Family proteaceae australian national botanic gardens. Flowers have five petals in a tube like a potato flower. Pdf diasporespotential or real power of wild plants. Sedge cone phytoliths appear to be morphologically distinct from those of other families.

The euphorbiaceae are a large family, the spurge family, of flowering plants. Cyperaceae, sedge family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, a division of the order poales. The characteristics studied in present research work are very much valuable taxonomically and phytochemically for the identification of species of family cyperaceae. The flowers are made up of petallike tepals which are united. Solanaceae, taxonomic studies, rajshahi university campus. Juglandaceae walnut family deciduous trees leaves alternate, pinnately compound, without stipules flowers reduced, unisexual, staminate flowers in catkins, pistillate flowers usually in catkins, with bracts, plants monoecious, wind pollinated. The genera within this family are grouped together based on similar reproductive structures e. We do not intend the plant list to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. Pdf nomenclature and typification of names of genera and. Characteristics of oleaceae minnesota state university. Most flowers in this family have 4 sepals, 4 petals, 2 stamen, and 2 fused carples. Most monocots are herbaceous annuals or perennials that shoot each season from an underground storage organ bulb, corm or rhizome although some do form small woody trees e. The branches are spreading, sometimes in layers and the leaves frequently turn yellow or red before falling rare in other plants in hawaii.